History of the settlement
Our city is situated in the Budaörs Basin, among the group of Buda Hills - Szabadság-hegy, Csiki-hegyek and Tétényi plateau.

The first husbanding and farming groups appeared in this region around 3500 BC. Artifacts from the Bronze Age (1900 BC to 800 BC) were found around Hosszúréti Ditch. Before the Romans came, a Celtic tribe called Eraviscus lived here for nearly one hundred years. During the Roman Age, several villa settlements were created in the region. Building remains were found in Kamaraerdő. A collection of 2234 silver coins from the 3rd century was also found.

Shortly after the Hungarians' arrival, Budaörs was an inhabited settlement again. Little is known about the history of this vine-producing village in Pilis county in the early middle age. Its name comes from the name of a tribe, that is, one of the three Kabar tribes that joined Hungarian before their arrival in the Carpathian Basin.

The firs written record related to Örs is a charter by King Béla IV informing that the young king donated the Saint Gellert church in Kelenföld along with the related Saint Martin Chapel in Örs and Saint Andrew Chapel in Sasad to the Cistercian monastery in Bélakút. This charter was dated 1236 and subsisted in a copy made in 1504.

In the course of the 14th century, our settlement was involved several times in the so-called „Sasad tithe lawsuit". Our city continued to be royal property. Since there was no reeveship in Buda at that time, no secular data about Örs subsisted from this age.

The name of Csik village comes from a name of a person. Similarly to Örs, Csik was one of the vine-producing villages around Buda in Pilis county. As its first surviving charter shows, it already had a church in 1296. King Sigismund ordered the Esztergom chapter in a charter from 1395 not to require anything from the royal serfs living in the properties Örs and Csik because this would cause these two villages to depopulate.

The settlement inhabited in the beginning of the Turkish era became uninhabited in 1566 due to a devastation of the Tatars.

The third middle-age village within the limits of today's Budaörs was called Horhi. Its name comes from a Hungarian word „horh" meaning deep path, abyss. This settlement, flourishing in the middle age, became uninhabited after 1541.

The settlement was still inhabited during the Turkish era. It became uninhabited in 1596 when constable Miklós Pálffy from Esztergom deported its population over the course of one night to a place between Esztergom and Érsekújvár.


A story about the hill called Törökugrató, also present in the city's heraldry, happened during the liberation fight against the Turkish. One Turkish leader jumped to the depth on his blindfolded horse in order to avoid captivity.

Budaörs was resettled in 1720 by Countess Zsuzsanna Bercsényi, wife of Count Péter Zichy, who took the settlement back to her name in 1719 and kept it in her possession until her death in 1745. In 1739, the settlement was stricken by plague, killing 259 locals. Subsequently, the landlady settled fifty more Swabian families in the village.

The pace of development is characterised by the fact that, in 1788, 35 peasant families and 114 landless families lived in the settlement, with a total population of 1143. In the course of the 19th century, population was continuously increasing. In 1821 the number was as high as 3775 while in 1900, Budaörs had 6104 inhabitants.

World War I took the life of many soldiers from Budaörs. Our city preserved their memory .

The Royal Putsch on 22 October 1921 was a memorable event and the so-called „Budaörs battle" is connected with it.

On 24 December 1944, a corps of German Wehrmacht settled in the village. In the course of the fights, several buildings were burnt down and 14 civil inhabitants were killed.

The name of our settlement became widely known for a sad reason in 1946. Expelling started here. 90% of the population was deported to Germany.

In the beginning of the eighties, investments started that enabled Budaörs to earn the rank of city: asphalt-covered public areas and parks, kindergartens were created, the majority of the housing estate was built and the culture centre was opened at this time.

Thanks to its favourable situation in terms of traffic and its attractive natural environment, this formerly German-speaking small settlement became a residential area more and more in demand: its population was constantly on the rise. In parallel with the population growth, required public utilities and infrastructure was also installed, mainly recently.

Today, Budaörs has become - even according to European standards - an urbanised, dynamically developing city playing a decisive role in the region. The city of Budaörs was placed first in a survey conducted in 2007 by the Central Statistical Office and analysing Hungary's settlements according to 17 aspects.