Community Town Hall
Cikk ajánlása

Formerly a party centre - an undemanding, common block - stood here, which makes it even more improbable. Designed by Zsolt Zsuffa and László Kalmár, this town hall has already earned its reputation - it is usually mentioned in conjunction with the new university block in Debrecen as the two highest-quality buildings of the year - but the reality is different: for example, pictures do not show how a picturesque background is provided by the rock peaks of Odvas-hegy.
This is where old Budaörs meets the housing estate - one-storey but not-so-old houses from the 60's and high-rise buildings, plain and hillside on the two sides of a busy road - the three-floor town hall does not only balance this hectic appearance of the street but, at the same time, creates some link between elements that may apparently not be connected - the zone with detached houses and the post-Socialist urban district. It is surprising in itself how the new merged with the former party centre and, later, town hall unnoticed but it is even more surprising that, although what was built is - due to cost-efficiency - one level lower than the winning design stipulated, nothing of this shows. Similarly to every good building, constraints pudently become invisible, what is more, are refined into advantages: the new town hall suggests authoritativeness and openness at the same time. The bright block covered with Turkish limestone is placed massively, with cool elegance while showing a colourful image at each side, mainly where it indicates its traversability through its doubled column lines. Because one can enter here from both the front and the back - not only literally but symbolically as well: public administration is not an obstruction threatening with stealing my time and stopping me by working hours or a gatekeeper and deciding about my destiny but one can have a good time here: there is a playgroup, a restaurant, an internet room and an own post office and, when I have finished everything, I just leave - I can even pass through it. (Source: Tamás Torma: Új városháza Budaörsön, in.: Népszabadság, Octogon, 7 April 2006)

2009-11-11 15:11
